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Why do americans spread faggotry and negro culture everywhere they go? Is there a way to stop the american menace?




americans cant help it. they wake up and eat nigger cum


Oh no, month of faggotry shiling again. I remember that April-May 2021 was a calmest month since 2019 or even 2014 and mask mandate wasn't enforced. Then these faggotniggers started stirring up mental health of Poles.


the entire new world is full of faggots


>Islam bad


It is the imperial civic religion. Something had to fill the god-shaped hole when the imperial core secularized. Unless we get our shit together or fall, it will infect almost all of you and ruin your lives. By the way, we will not get our shit together so hopefully it collapses under its own weight soon. It's beginning to look like that is starting, but imperial decline can last a mighty long time and be very painful

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