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/int/ - International

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I started learning japanese to not having to go through trannyslators putting faggot globohomo shit in japanese kinos.

Finished the hour long hiragana video in 2 days. I can recognise the characters in written japanese text and put words together. Still keep forgetting them a lot of them tho.

I am starting katakana and try a bit of kanji parallelly

Trannies absolutely btfo


meds, there is nothing wrong with translators


reddit spacing


>b-but people say japan and anime are for trannies


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>booru filename




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...is a meme that retards took seriously.


ching choooong peng ding


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>ching choooong peng ding


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>I fukkin LOL'D




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行 = Go Reading: こう
校 = School Reading: こう
午 = noon Reading: ご
後 = After Reading: ご(kunoyomi) あと、うし•ろ(onoyomi)


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日 = Day

Onoyomi: に ち, に っ, じつ

Kunoyomi: び , か, ひ


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>Learning another language just to avoid globohomo
Godspeed chud






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>I learn Japanese to watch anime


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Sadly, you have to go through woke while learning through westoid resources. Duolingo is filled with this shit.

I just read a story in which a black woman talks describes her girlfriend and in the end it turns out she doesnt have one, and is looking for one


yikes department calling

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