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/int/ - International

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What are some dangerous countries




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They can only get as dangerous as you let them, your limiter is your own mind, break the limiter, break the danger, plunge the entire country into chaos and then save some soyjaks from devianart.


Cute and wholesome tranzellig


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>When you go to the 'arty meetup irl


Crazy, but your picture is a perfect representation of those who have dignified themselves to remain communications with me, I did try to replace you with what I have locally available only to be bitterly reminded why I initially choose to remain an outcast.
In our extreme beliefs we find a common ground, in common ground we find our so called tolerance.


Internet racists are the most peaceful diverse society possible


The self hatred is real, but in my recent adventure I learned that such hatred may only be locally induced, once I visited other areas of my country it dissappeared, the problem lies whitin my immediate community.
Whitin my lack of connection to it.
I have managed to classify my origin city as a prison from which one must escape, as it is the residence of my progenitors I cannot fight against it.
In the past I would resign myself to the world behind the screen but as age catches up with me such escapism becomes hard to hold on to.
I cannot remain a purely memetic entity, but I cannot disassociate from such a nature as my individuality and the screen persona have become intertwined.


me on the right


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>me on the right




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jej thats not the mexican doe, thats me


>Clyde the troon wears jeans


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whats wrong with jeans doe


western decadent capitalists wear them


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>i use "doe" at the end of my sentences


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>>i use "doe" at the end of my sentences

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