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/int/ - International

(For file deletion.)

will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1649321022737-0.png (5.74 KB, 453x554, estonia.png)

File: 1649321022737-1.png (7 KB, 454x554, luhansk.png)

File: 1649321022737-2.png (14.57 KB, 454x553, donetsk.png)


It's been like a year since I've made any of my coal a24 jaks so I'll make some more


File: 1649321054036-0.png (16.16 KB, 454x520, latvia.png)

File: 1649321054036-1.png (16.08 KB, 454x553, austria.png)

File: 1649321054036-2.png (7.34 KB, 453x552, lithuiania.png)

Remake of Latvia since I used the dimensions of other tricolors previously



where's mine


Well I've pretty much made all horizontal European tricolors so that well of easy to make jaks has run dry


File: 1649321226918.png (5.94 KB, 454x520, ClipboardImage.png)

already made




File: 1649321872472.png (512.08 KB, 1626x694, ClipboardImage.png)

Alright well here's the flags I've just made plus the ones that were on the 'ru

The booru doesn't have all of them I know I made multiple for other Nordic flags can't remember the other ones. I'm on a different computer and I didn't save them so if you have them post them.


I'm also not opposed to making more obscure flags, I'll make shit like the Flag of Tunis or Irkutsk if anyone wants


why not just make all of them
its not like you can't do it


I mean I'll do more it's just a pain in the ass to do a ton of them. Like I'm not sure if doing one of countries like Malawi, Brunei or Tajikstan would be a good use of time unless someone requested them

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