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/int/ - International

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File: 1647780933910.png (47.28 KB, 395x240, Screenshot 2022-03-20 1345….png)


prove me wrong


All Romanians are subhuman.


File: 1647783608976.png (460.86 KB, 557x678, Screenshot 2022-02-24 1546….png)

the romanains in your country are dobruja and oltenia gypos


No one who lives near or in the balkans is human


File: 1647784093690.jpg (12.14 KB, 235x279, 3141d487558826ea987556a5c4….jpg)

so the entirety of eastern europe and southern italy?




File: 1647784187207.jpg (17.92 KB, 236x431, 3492aefcae64d5a42f1d99bb74….jpg)


Italians are chads (I just posted italian hate coal because fuck clyde pedo troon)
All Balkantroons are indeed subhumans.
Greeks are the ultimate chads however.


There are nice Romanians here but pale ones commit crime as well.




File: 1651906364831.png (1 MB, 2450x825, 2284 - 5soyjaks antenna bl….png)

spain and romania pretend to be white for nine or even more posts


anglophone spotted, opinion disregarded.


File: 1651975700703.png (45.07 KB, 755x595, 8933 - angry brazil brown_….png)

>anglophone spotted
>opinion disregarded


nigger faggot


File: 1652026596948.jpg (30.42 KB, 891x597, snibeti foreskin.jpg)

>>anglophone spotted
>>opinion disregarded


The expression on that dog
>If only you knew...


Lmao definitely saving that one


File: 1652220930396.jpg (436.38 KB, 1366x2048, 07Likeaboss1-superJumbo.jpg)

I have changed my ways

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