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/int/ - International

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1647550634111.png (171.52 KB, 927x552, kop.png)


'ud na 'kopie


File: 1647550862511.png (494.16 KB, 786x782, 1647463868132.png)

why can't leftists make their own oc when they meme? They generally just add a red hat or something to an existing meme and think they are cool


>chudjak on 'icture therefore leftist
But yes, this site is libtard-infested with anti-right and anti-incel hate speech encouraged by jannies. xp


incels are faggots.


They hate women for not having sex with them. How can they be faggots? :-0

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