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File: 1647051546179.jpeg (475.48 KB, 750x990, 2E200B7B-3C3C-44E8-998E-5….jpeg)


Why is Pakistan reputation bad in the world?


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>taliban did not rate wheat


Why is it, indian soybro? I'm actually curious, don't know the history between India and Pakistan besides that they were both part of the Raj?


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pakis worship the jew god and fuck donkeys


pakis are chads however


Whenever there's some strange, backwards fuckery, Jews're always involved.


pakis are just mohammed indians


Indians and pakis are aryan chads


Holy based, nothing wrong with cousin marriage.


Pakis don't exist you bunch of fucking retards they are just Indians with different cosmetics.


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>If the cousin is very attractive I am in favor

>Otherwise against.


homo clyde


I would marry my cousin if i could

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