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/int/ - International

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File: 1647036805199.png (104.94 KB, 632x900, soyjak 19 (its over).png)


>the sudden realization that2016 was 6 years ago


File: 1647036882982.gif (861.4 KB, 600x900, itsover.gif)

>people born in 2010 are now 12


tiny vietnamnese pecker



File: 1647037197366.jpg (63.32 KB, 1222x1222, 1644931270345.jpg)



File: 1647037243519.gif (38.03 KB, 498x427, wojak-wojak-crying.gif)



File: 1647037261242.jpg (10.02 KB, 206x273, its over 5.jpg)

>last time I didn't fuck up my life was 2017


its so fucking over


its over


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