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/int/ - International

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File: 1644655073116.png (60.9 KB, 300x168, Just swede things.png)


Dearest forum fellows,
I must admit, I have a few grievances with Soyjak culture. Most specifically the Swedish win: Why can't there be an Australian win, or a Chinese fail? It just doesn't add up.
Thank you in advance for answering.
Yours truly,


File: 1644673582099.png (12.35 KB, 450x459, 12312312.png)

chinese win, bbc win, trans lives matter win


My vote goes for Kiwi win Australian fail.


File: 1644901456107.png (367.71 KB, 680x593, suomi.png)



i swear to god this soyjak blinked. i thought it was a gif. it looked like it had a full animated blink, i swear to fucking god


File: 1645202808883.png (9.92 KB, 194x259, 1642799106681.png)

it doesnt take meds


nas forced coal

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