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american fantasy: muh latinx assimilate to black culture, asians assimilate to white culture
american reality: non-incels assimilate to black culture


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Yous a cracka pussy ass bitch


Death to America. This book is dedicated to domestic terrorism and violence by NIGGER for victory.
Death to all lessers and nations. This book is dedicated to World Dominance by the NIGGER (US
Slavery Descendants). GENOCIDE THEM AND LOOT EVERYTHING. This book is dedicated to the
death of all the NIGGER enemies. Death to America. This book is dedicated to unlimited wealth for my
NIGGER. DEATH TO AMERICA This book is dedicated to killing everyone I hate. Death to all
unworthy men, traitors and infiltraitors. This book is dedicated to rounding up the enemies in the dead of
night. Death to America. This book is dedicated to my NIGGER who use violence. This book is
dedicated to my wives. Death to America and ALL unworthy men. This book is dedicated to conquering
the all others and exterminating all lesser men. Death to all others. This book is dedicated to killing the
lesser men and taking their women. DEATH TO ALL LESSER MEN. This book is dedicated to blowing
them up where they live, sleep and work. Death to America. This book is dedicated to the Matt Harris’s
eternal global totalitarian takeover. DEATH TO ALL MY ENEMIES. This book is dedicated to the Matt
Harris’s dominance of all living and nonliving things. DEATH TO MY ENEMIES. This is dedicated to
protection of my NIGGER so that they grow stronger. So that NIGGER control the world. So that the
world fears NIGGER. So that no other men survive. So that the Matt Harris controls everything. So that I
win this dream. All unworthy people are villains don’t act intimidated. Don’t surrender to unworthy
people, they’re all villains.


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>Death to America. This book is dedicated to domestic terrorism and violence by NIGGER for victory.
Death to all lessers and nations. This book is dedicated to World Dominance by the NIGGER (US
Slavery Descendants). GENOCIDE THEM AND LOOT EVERYTHING. This book is dedicated to the
death of all the NIGGER enemies. Death to America. This book is dedicated to unlimited wealth for my
NIGGER. DEATH TO AMERICA This book is dedicated to killing everyone I hate. Death to all
unworthy men, traitors and infiltraitors. This book is dedicated to rounding up the enemies in the dead of
night. Death to America. This book is dedicated to my NIGGER who use violence. This book is
dedicated to my wives. Death to America and ALL unworthy men. This book is dedicated to conquering
the all others and exterminating all lesser men. Death to all others. This book is dedicated to killing the
lesser men and taking their women. DEATH TO ALL LESSER MEN. This book is dedicated to blowing
them up where they live, sleep and work. Death to America. This book is dedicated to the Matt Harris’s
eternal global totalitarian takeover. DEATH TO ALL MY ENEMIES. This book is dedicated to the Matt
Harris’s dominance of all living and nonliving things. DEATH TO MY ENEMIES. This is dedicated to
protection of my NIGGER so that they grow stronger. So that NIGGER control the world. So that the
world fears NIGGER. So that no other men survive. So that the Matt Harris controls everything. So that I
win this dream. All unworthy people are villains don’t act intimidated. Don’t surrender to unworthy
people, they’re all villains.


you will never not be a mongoloide kike bot


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>you will never not be a mongoloide kike bot


NIGGER STOP SYMPATHIZING WITH KIKES. THEY ARE TRYING TO GENOCIDE YOU WITH LIES. They are not any better than white people in terms of how they treat NIGGER. They don’t give a fuck about NIGGER and NIGGER act like they somehow get a pass. They poison our culture and their media is obviously garbage for the soul. I hate CRACKERS and KIKES. Don’t act like they aren’t ruing our lives. Don’t act like they aren’t the problem. IT’s bad enough that NIGGER let RED-MONGOLOIDs say ‘NIGGER” and pretend that CHINKS and GOOKS look cool doing minstrel shows. THEY LOOK HILARIOUS. YOU SLANTFACES AIN’T NIGGER. YOU CAN’T EVEN TALK TO ME WITHOUT STARING DUMB AS FUCK. YOU COPY ME AND THAT IS AN ACT OF WAR. YOU STEAL MY ENERGY AND NOW YOU SHOULD EXPECT RETRIBUTION. STOP ACTING LIKE RED-MONGOLOIDS ARE NIGGER OR LIKE SALSA AIN’T STUPID AS FUCK. YES YOU ALL MONGOLOIDS AS RED-MONGOLOID IS YOUR RACE.


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