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/int/ - International

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1643221800429.png (15.52 KB, 598x800, impjak blank stare.png)


if people in your country aren't dying to smallpox and tuberculosis anymore, it doesn't have soul


You stil droping like flies from 'rona though


File: 1643222204959.jpg (240.61 KB, 1320x1776, 1613735596796.jpg)

nam (not a mutt). the sharty just gets my flag wrong sometimes


File: 1643223784030.png (91.48 KB, 740x724, Thoughjak.png)



File: 1643223857888.png (73.37 KB, 340x512, 1637792199860.png)

Where are you from?


She's from Sweden



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