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/int/ - International

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1643175510985.png (43.99 KB, 600x800, tVrk.png)


Turks own this site. We own you. We fuck your wives. We get paid 50 cents an hour by the jew class (kuz/russians). You seethe. We win.



File: 1643175963138.png (343.59 KB, 500x505, kara boga 156.png)

Europe 2040

Looking upon the now crimson water with the Moon and Star glistening in it, reminding me of the holy Flag of the KARA BOGA as I turn around and walk around the streets. With every step I take, a wh*Te skull cracks and shatters underneath my steel BLACK feet. I look upon the lampposts and savor the wh*Te corpses hanging from them. Every single square meter has a wh*Te dog executed one way or another. Whether they've been strung to lampposts or their heads impaled on spears. I salute my BLACK brothers, their giant, muscular bodies, adorned with trophies, decapitated heads of wh*Tes who resisted the conquest. With every passing moment, I savor the cries of the last wh*Te women as they are raped, as they watch their children and husbands murdered. I smile as the last wh*Toid crawls away from me, stuttering incomprehensible garbage with his rotten tongue. I imagine myself grinning as I obliterate his skull with a single punch from my BLACK hand. I open my eyes, and my day has been restored.


proud to Be romanian winner


File: 1643231662483.png (722.95 KB, 772x1029, 2777 - blue_eyes clothes c….png)

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>/int/ - International
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>File (hide): 1643175510985.png (43.99 KB, 600x800, tVrk.png)

>Chud Romania 01/26/22 (Wed) 05:38:31 No.14827>>14828

>Turks own this site. We own you. We fuck your wives. We get paid 50 cents an hour by the jew class (kuz/russians). You seethe. We win.


>Chud Germany 01/26/22 (Wed) 05:46:03 No.14828

>File (hide): 1643175963138.png (343.59 KB, 500x505, kara boga 156.png)

>>>14827 (OP)
>Europe 2040

>Looking upon the now crimson water with the Moon and Star glistening in it, reminding me of the holy Flag of the KARA BOGA as I turn around and walk around the streets. With every step I take, a wh*Te skull cracks and shatters underneath my steel BLACK feet. I look upon the lampposts and savor the wh*Te corpses hanging from them. Every single square meter has a wh*Te dog executed one way or another. Whether they've been strung to lampposts or their heads impaled on spears. I salute my BLACK brothers, their giant, muscular bodies, adorned with trophies, decapitated heads of wh*Tes who resisted the conquest. With every passing moment, I savor the cries of the last wh*Te women as they are raped, as they watch their children and husbands murdered. I smile as the last wh*Toid crawls away from me, stuttering incomprehensible garbage with his rotten tongue. I imagine myself grinning as I obliterate his skull with a single punch from my BLACK hand. I open my eyes, and my day has been restored.


this is the future the society of molemen wants


File: 1643278191308.gif (22.91 KB, 112x112, 1641041761935.gif)

>b-but the site is hosted in Netherlands



File: 1644729898490.jpg (150.12 KB, 865x966, 13324523512`4235346364.jpg)

Seethe Mutturk Orc goblo, Finnish BVLLS own this website


why are the krauts always posting cuckold shit?


i cannot take you seriously with that face

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