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File: 1637641068041.png (19.83 KB, 1144x170, lithucuck.PNG)


Why are Lithuinians such cuck bootlickers? Even we polacks with all our retardation are stll mostly against US soliders in our cunt.


lotta fascism and nato nazis in these places


Yeah same with shitkrain, pooland is going in the same direction unfortunetly.


File: 1637707908759.png (108.24 KB, 500x500, noooo you can't just expla….png)

>being a bootlicker bad even tho boots taste good




loool he made you lick a boot


but im quoting tho


no green arrow


most of you want US soldiers lying pole>>14499


Russian troll falseflagging


File: 1650492933385.png (329.89 KB, 639x1048, ClipboardImage.png)

Built For Cylde


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