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The trannies over on halfchan have finally had enough of 'Vanians and are permabanning us. Luckily there's a perfectly good home on da party for Penn discussion.
Thread theme: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XcKyQJXwaFc


I'll take two hoagies from wawa and a dvd copy of Sudden Death (1995), a pittsburgh classic.


'vanian win
dead board though


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slow board keeps the thread comfy and wholesome


comfy penn thread


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>'vanian win
>dead board though



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Welp 'Vania bros, looks like its Winter again. Have you gotten your wood cut for the season? Is your kettle ready for hot cocoa? Did you break out your skis and snowboard from the garage?


gotta drink that 'ylvanian Лин


gem cant die

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