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/giga/ - Gigachad

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yo wtf just learnt that you have to use the "terminal" to install apps linux
fr man what is dis, lol, are we living in the 20th century? You guys shill linux all thr time but fr man a professional OS like macos is bussin while linux sucks (no cap). Just explain to me why you guys like computing like it's thw 20th century in current year? Makes no sense fr


There are gui program installers albeit


.deb packages can be installed by double clicking on them


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>yo wtf just learnt that you have to use the "terminal" to install apps linux
fr man what is dis, lol, are we living in the 20th century? You guys shill linux all thr time but fr man a professional OS like macos is bussin while linux sucks (no cap). Just explain to me why you guys like computing like it's thw 20th century in current year? Makes no sense fr


MacOS is literally childrens shit.
It takes a unix based kernel and then wraps it in a kids glove wrapper that makes it shit to use by anyone who isn't a retard


This is utter bullshit. You have literally never used a Mac


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>shit's exploding on twitter rn, like fr fr no cap
>so basically linus tried reppin linux because it's low-key good for gaming now, straight bussin' n shit, but when he installed steam his rig started sussin.
>now imma press you on this...why ever rep linux instead of just enjoying stable work of windows and macos?
>you guys say linux is bussin like its 2nd coming or smth lol while actually its plain unusable
>Imagine typing shit in terminal just to install stuff fr man


Vice city works fine on loonix

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