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/giga/ - Gigachad

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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>Pedophilia is bad because it’s a sexual act with someone who is incapable of consenting with the act because they aren't physically or mentally prepared and don’t understand what it means; real consent requires understanding of the circumstances. Sex with children is always rape. And just as in rape, it invariably causes severe psychological traumas, and traumas that happen during childhood are even worse and difficult to overcome.


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idk bout that i just want to kill people and offending pedos are icky + acceptable to kill


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>offending pedos


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the other ones are icky too, but im scared of cops


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>Yikes bro blatant MAPphobia over here, love is love and your bigotry against MAPs will not be tolerated here MAPphobic Trump voter. Just remember that everyone is a MAPphobe till they try some cunny…


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>>offending pedos


ifunny dust-gem mix

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