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/giga/ - Gigachad

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File: 1650040151775.png (157.96 KB, 723x666, gigachad computer.png)




File: 1650103344859.png (203.5 KB, 300x272, ClipboardImage.png)



oh my putin.... i-im not blushing....


how tf a cracka can way that much but still sit like that? I can barely sit in my lazyboy without my leg falling asleep wtf. does this nigga just never feel his legs???


File: 1650108140636.png (321.75 KB, 1020x1166, in the mind of a mexican t….png)

>how tf a cracka can way that much but still sit like that? I can barely sit in my lazyboy without my leg falling asleep wtf. does this nigga just never feel his legs???


File: 1650108756468.png (2.14 MB, 720x1280, ClipboardImage.png)

is this you


Cracka white bois have this gene that Dey be a fat ass nigga but don’t care and coom and play video game all day


Its Kiev though


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