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/giga/ - Gigachad

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File: 1648653742083.png (213.06 KB, 799x960, 1611196134085.png)


>Dr. Fauci
>Give us vaccines
>Help all the people who have been quarantined
>We'll wear our masks and we'll have to stay distant
>We'll wash our hands and we'll be more resistant!

>Fauci! (Yes?)

>Promise us, please!
>We'll have a cure that can fight off this disease!
>Restrictions will lift with some ease!
>Dr. Fauci, don't forget me!


File: 1648870783463.jpg (50.68 KB, 528x500, 1629527305945-12783920.jpg)

>>Dr. Fauci
>>Give us vaccines
>>Help all the people who have been quarantined
>>We'll wear our masks and we'll have to stay distant
>>We'll wash our hands and we'll be more resistant!

>>Fauci! (Yes?)

>>Promise us, please!
>>We'll have a cure that can fight off this disease!
>>Restrictions will lift with some ease!
>>Dr. Fauci, don't forget me!



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