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/giga/ - Gigachad

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1648275386907.png (51.48 KB, 417x356, ClipboardImage.png)


>we don't like the haters we don't we don't like the haters
>we dont like the haters we don't we don't like the haters
>we don't like the haters we don't we don't like the haters
>haters are dumb
>haters are stupid
>they make us feel bad
>and bunch of our monitors
>we don't like the haters we don't we don't like the haters
>they try to make us feel bad
>and make a stop
>but we never stop
>cuz we're cooler than them
>they just hate us
>cuz they don't want their
>they love us
>so we keep doing our thing
>we don't like the haters we don't we don't we do
>we don't like the haters we don't we don't we do
>we don't like the haters we don't we you don't like the heaters
>we hate the haters
>we hate the haters we hate the haters
>so many heaters on my videos stop paper hater
>hater hater hater hater hater hater hater hater hater hater hater hater hater hater
>we don't like the haters we don't we don't like the haters
>we don't like to hate and we don't we don't like the haters
>people say i'm dumb
>people and say i'm stupid we don't like that
>haters we don't we don't like the haters
>hater hater hater hater we don't like that
>i don't like the haters we don't like haters
>we don't we don't mind the haters
>we hate the haters


Super based

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