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/giga/ - Gigachad

(For file deletion.)

will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1647904835767.jpg (224.47 KB, 859x960, 1606335623739.jpg)


>Ever wonder why these blatant troll threads that violate the only rule in the sticky are never deleted while the mod is literally in these threads all day deleting posts?
>Because the apple nigger mód is the OP posting from his iphone. He spends 16 hours a day of his worthless NEET life posting these falseflag troll threads, deleting posts exposing him as the OP, and saving his anti-linux troll threads every time they reach page 10:
>The only way to purge these shit threads off /g/ is to put a bullet in his head.
>Jjay Loouis Irrwin
>Age: 39
>30.04 Nor.folk Dr
>Austin TX 78.745


>He spends 16 hours a day of his worthless NEET life
t. /g/ poorcel


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