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/giga/ - Gigachad

Password (For file deletion.)

will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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>Oh there it is. He posted it again. Isn't pedophilia just hilarious? Haha I'm so edgy I'm a fucking monster. No. Fuck you. This shit has to end and it has to end now. I'm tired of seeing this horrible meme here on my board. Go fuck yourself if you think this shit is ok.
>The same fucking thing day after day after day and the janitorial staff does absolutely nothing to stop it. This shit isn't funny. You're not funny. You're mentally ill. Fuck you. It's only a matter of time before the internet finally stops being anonymous and I don't have to see shitheads like you here. And don't even post that fucking crying emoji either. Don't even reply to me because fuck you. Just leave this place already and learn how to behave like a real human being. It's no wonder everyone thinks this website is terrible if this is your idea of a funny meme. You don't say this shit in real life do you? Then don't say it on my board either. Go talk to a real woman from time to time instead of being an asshole here and get laid for a change.

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