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/giga/ - Gigachad

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1646089830397.jpg (42.64 KB, 1600x900, moistcr1tikal-flexing.jpg)


Comfy charlie thread


He's a faggot


File: 1646180619542.jpeg (55.74 KB, 794x632, BB71A630-2824-4857-9C47-2….jpeg)

Who are you?


He's a hetero


But enough about cado.
What's your favorite 'tikal video?




the one where he climbs up a stool QWOP style


File: 1646708556100.jpg (95.1 KB, 726x900, penguinz.jpg)

/cado/ won



File: 1646709629065.mp4 (3.96 MB, 490x360, 'cado two steps ahead.mp4)


'lie won big time


File: 1648729405363.jpg (24.56 KB, 632x416, Gigachad charlie.jpg)



yeah im thinking cado won

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