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>Does your country have humiliation muggings?

In case anyone is confused as to what "degradation-mugging"/“humiliation-muggings” (förnedringsrån) are: they are a phenomenon common in Sweden since the last few years, and differ from the old style of muggings, which could be immigrant-on-swede or immigrant-on-immigrant, in several key aspects.
First of all, degradation-muggings are by their nature/definition immigrant on swede (but you can ofc substitute this with your own countries native population), and instead of just being mugged, the key aspect (as the name implies) is the degradation in the form of sadistic torture of the victim. In addition to the obligatory beating, this torture is done in many creative ways, classic examples include of course stealing all of the swedes clothes, letting him crawl on the ground naked while the immigrants piss on him. Many times a gun (or knife) is put to the swedes head to make him open his mouth, forcing him to drink the piss. Other ways are to cut off the swedes finger or ear. The main point of the crime is not the theft, but the ethnically-motivated degradation of the native (often clothes etc are taking rather than (only) valuables).
This might seem exaggerated or even false, but that brings us to the final defining feature of a classic degradation-mugging, namely that the whole event is filmed by the immigrants to then proudly post in on social media, where his immigrant friends can all laugh along in the comments to his own laughter from the video (all examples I mentioned I have myself seen such videos off)
These trendy type of muggings is quickly taking the country by storm, and parents often warn their children (boys) to not go home alone from school or sports-practice to avoid them (although against Swedish women/girls, assault-rape (överfallsvåldtäkt) remains the undisputed champion)


lolshit removal
zero lolshit plan 2024
destruction of the discord trannies
demographic decline
lolshit eradication


ok incel


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im not sw*dish

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