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/b/ - Random

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1655072998142.jpg (34.92 KB, 442x482, neutral tranime girl.jpg)



The never ending nightmare of consumerism, Why cant I be a highschool anime boy.


File: 1655099223178.jpg (127.67 KB, 988x1066, 1637301169268.jpg)

>why are people being unironically homophobic in the replies? am i missing something? (/gen)
>oh no depictions of kink ooooh scaryyy!! (/sarcasm)


dude we literally just want to visit each other in hospitals lmao we don't want to show your kids how to do tranny BDSM rofl


pierdoleni błonnikożercy (ang. fucking fiber-eaters)

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