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>"I, SISSYza-sama, JOBBER of the Universe humbly kneel to:

>Bejita-sama, prince of all saiyans and my master.

>CHADku-sama, my one and only true love and other master.

>Beerus-sama, who I shall never become stronger than.

>Majin Buu-sama, who my daddy warned me about.

>Dyspo-sama, who easily manhandled me in his Superspeed form.

>Toppo-sama, who anally raped me and first awakened my wish to become an analslut sissy.

>Kale-sama, who beat the shit out of me so hard I started being attracted to femdom almost as much as I am attracted to men.

>Jiren-sama, whose incomparabily forceful punches crushed my ass-womb entirely to the point I cannot bear CHADku-sama's children anymore like I wished to.

>Broly-sama, whose hour-long beatings gave me uncontrollable orgasms so massive even the anal rape from CHADku-sama can't compare.

>Cell-sama, for he has my DNA AS WELL AS the superior saiyan genes of my monkey MASTERS.

>Moro-sama, whose power I am scared of (I hope he doesn't kill my beloved masters, but I am also too scared to help them…)"

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