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/b/ - Random

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1654902554416.png (376.86 KB, 1116x660, 74785624255686452.png)


Imagine you're walking around your school, and some one-eyed cuck tries to shoot you. Naturally, you blow the gun out of his hands, and he starts groveling for mercy like a little bitch.

Do you:

A) Spare him
B) Shoot his ass

The choice is yours.


I don't have the flash player for this game




C) Shit on the floor


File: 1654906261658.png (903.11 KB, 860x664, 1619725314024.png)

You shit on the floor, and make a Shitjak out of it. Congrats!


Spare this edgelord fascist emo chud and try to deradicalize him


File: 1654907578339.jpg (41.05 KB, 600x338, ezgif.com-gif-maker.jpg)

You showed him some luv <3

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