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/b/ - Random

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1654299467533.gif (172.71 KB, 269x384, the-gem-that-killed-dmcore.gif)


everyone say hi to king julien!





actual nas, fuckig kys


File: 1654300934414.gif (5.98 MB, 642x642, 11504 - 3dgifmaker angry a….gif)

>actual nas, fuckig kys


File: 1654301040712.gif (179.32 KB, 269x400, 7ffe4235-55fb-424c-b3ec-68….gif)

>actual nas, fuckig kys


Oh, so Rowley's father from the book "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" is "soy" now? As expected of soyteens.


that's king julien


delete this nas jannies


Delete it yourself


File: 1654301693911.gif (277.28 KB, 200x200, 3dgifmaker64181.gif)

your jannies can't save you


nobody except OP would consider this ias


What does OP mean


wowee I love complete incomprehensible nonsense becoming the new memes!!! this is just like s4s sisters...


Is his name actually Julien?


KING julien


His name is Mr. Jefferson




how is this even a jak?


File: 1654307649633.png (56.45 KB, 618x949, 300px-Poptropica_Wimpy_Won….png)

acting quite the king julien rn


hi king julien


File: 1654307860087.webm (480.35 KB, 598x711, zabijasz starych ludzi.webm)

>discoal nas


File: 1654308101872.png (19.37 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)


hes right


hi king julien


hi king julien


hi king julien!!!!


hi king julien


OP fucked up and now he is pretending to be not OP


File: 1654309310569.png (94.45 KB, 938x710, bestbuds.png)

just saying hi to my bud, king julien


hi king julien!

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