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/b/ - Random

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File: 1654217340403.png (104.68 KB, 522x444, unlawful.png)


Why does 4chan allow this shit? They can ban people for all kinds of retarded shit, but nah, putting a drill through a monkey's eye is alright. What the fuck?
It's technically illegal to distribute under the Preventing animal abuse act but they don't get a fuck.


what the fuck are you talking about, they hand out 33 day bans for monkeyposting


monkey getting his head drilled isn't obscene it's funny


File: 1654269849586.png (90.05 KB, 597x695, 408ECFC9-985B-4A77-A8BF-6D….png)

>Got any full vids not just croped clips i love them please post more




let's trade vids I managed to save one from /gif/


I only have one vid that I saved from gif I think anzumark posted it, they're rare because jannies and archives delete them

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