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/b/ - Random

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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Do you have a girlfriend




File: 1653675891431.jpg (38.6 KB, 796x727, impish soyjak from memory.jpg)

Sometimes she asks me what this site is with all the funny drawings


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She has a dick


and that's a good thing


yes but I’m not posting her


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Ofc not, why would then I be there


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the girlfriend in question:


most sharty users are chads who get pussy on the daily


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coomer detected


Nice selfie


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yes she is currently in the bath which is the only time I get to ‘oypost with my ‘oysisters


no, because i don't need a one.


nice selfie redditor


I want to be a true and honest husband when I get married.


File: 1654076221419.jpg (30.78 KB, 720x797, v2-c217f73d7a739873d54eb64….jpg)

I did but I broke up with the bitch a few days ago


normalfags out

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