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/b/ - Random

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File: 1653665791813.jpg (136.7 KB, 828x829, yeon209.jpg)


wear the mask plz


File: 1653666053955.gif (Spoiler Image, 1.54 MB, 722x689, 91C095CA-CBB4-43EC-B9B9-CB….gif)

>Wear a hoaxvid-19 plandemic mask cuz some chink said so


File: 1653666334920.png (33.73 KB, 505x576, 88B7139A-EBF0-4C45-B099-29….png)

>wear the mask plz


i'd wear the mask for a chink gf i dont care


id wear a chastity cage


File: 1653666593459.png (73.52 KB, 863x1519, 8538D264-D0C0-4070-B3B4-74….png)


File: 1653666754728.jpeg (51.33 KB, 501x585, F1ABC03B-F582-4A0F-96AE-9….jpeg)

>Yes western man if you wear our China mask we also give you qoooot chink gf


didn't ask phonetroon


File: 1653667193395.png (17.14 KB, 420x570, 0817E5E4-9CAE-4FB2-AB53-0A….png)

>b-but western man we make all you phones in our chink slave factories and Dey are no trangender or gay in beautiful nation of china


no mask needed in my country



File: 1653672070051.mp4 (2.45 MB, 1280x720, hail fauci.mp4)

Yes my chinkie cutie, whatever you say


OP here i was just making a stupid joke
this site is full of autists


shut up, nigger. I will wear the mask, ok?


ok bruv


>This site is full of autists
Duh doy, you're an autist for not already noticing


File: 1653690792687.jpg (123.79 KB, 1000x665, Nazi-Party-rally-Nurnberg-….jpg)

>O-oy gevalt! I-it was just a joke silly goyim don't get so angry h-haha
Don't try to backtrack now, kike, god the day of the rope will be glorious.


File: 1653691498236.jpg (278.71 KB, 1530x1301, 9797b108c93dc2670ffbd6ab83….jpg)

>Don't try to backtrack now, kike, god the day of the rope will be glorious.


The mask debacle was not Jewish made because it failed. God's chosen people will win, no matter what.

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