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/b/ - Random

Password (For file deletion.)

will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1653353032228.png (48.96 KB, 884x904, Just Getting By.png)


how the fuck do you guys get around 4cuck bans?

i get banned for the most ridiculous things


you need to be 16 to post here


File: 1653353199843.png (336.11 KB, 1400x1630, party (not sharty) oldfag.png)

>you need to be 16 to post here


File: 1653353230246.png (82.32 KB, 600x800, Ok.png)

I am over 16


File: 1653353316441.png (36.93 KB, 630x587, 1644624764414.png)


File: 1653353378477.jpg (259.19 KB, 1500x1500, debunker.jpg)

Do i have to be 16, no higher or no lower to post here?


File: 1653353573948.png (219.84 KB, 676x1021, Coal.png)

so how do i get past the jannies?

there is so many fucking retarded threads that have to be shat up

or am i doomed to suffer the 3 day time out corner forevr?


wait it out like a good little soy or
1.phonepost on mobile data
2.check if your ip is dynamic and restart your router


File: 1653353910569.png (76.45 KB, 827x897, Soycho.png)

>wait it out like a good little soy
never again

ok i'll check if my ip is dynamic



File: 1653354465917.png (29.93 KB, 1209x904, Goodbye.png)

i dont think it worked


File: 1654018589267.jpg (184.17 KB, 984x988, 1650190292315.jpg)

clear cookies and reset router


File: 1654021291773.png (102.23 KB, 999x556, Captură de ecran_2022-05-2….png)

>be romanian
on 4jaks i can't even post because my ip range is blocked and i'm banned on mobile data because i'm 'using' a proxy and same shit.


File: 1654024091115.png (49.85 KB, 389x324, 1653059201095.png)

bro just buy the 4chan pass


god damn, why does 4cucks has to be a pay-to-post site

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