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File: 1653330840751.jpg (9.33 MB, 3414x3871, Johnny_Depp-2757_(cropped).jpg)




jd is uncoalingly a hero for men's rights stfu


Put this gem in /giga/ where it belongs


johnny depp is an abuser


what a faggot
as much as i hate women i wish that this faggot would lose because i can't stand his faggot hats and scarves


File: 1653331363774.gif (215.85 KB, 255x255, 878082CC-9E96-4AF6-BF18-9D….gif)

>johnny depp is an abuser


he sucks


He's in the right but I want him to lose cause it will be funny


File: 1653345655536.png (28.9 KB, 753x960, 1565690740190.png)

>abuse le bad


File: 1653354016174.png (111.5 KB, 700x765, 320.png)

>Amber Heard le guilty


File: 1653354057050.png (15.8 KB, 190x200, image_2022-05-23_210039459.png)

>Tfw Johnny Depp is sentenced to death

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