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File: 1653240580322.jpeg (56.1 KB, 412x618, 363AA246-8D10-4CEE-80F0-F….jpeg)


Trans women can give birth. What now, terf? How are we not women?


the transplant would kill the patient


File: 1653240689265.png (113 KB, 794x518, top tier tama.png)

gemtoo is agaisnt this, thus making you "people" not woman


File: 1653240695510.gif (66.08 KB, 68x400, tall chuddy bouncy.gif)

>the transplant would kill the patient


So a white trans woman can give birth to a beautiful Black baby. Powerful.


this, thank you. this is what i’ve been saying


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File: 1653240911281-1.gif (3.37 MB, 600x600, trannydance.gif)

>Moved to >>>/b/36435.


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I wonder what the chud cope will be once science reaches the point where tranners can actually do that


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>it's not natural like god intended


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wait how do they get a womb?


most of them dont have baby bearing hips albeit however


Someone has to donate


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>wonder what the chud cope will be once science-ACK!


why and how would someone do that?


I hope taxpayer money and public healthcare's time are never spent on this shit


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I don't know how it's done, but I guess women who don't want to be pregnant would do that.


why thougu


You don't have the mental stability of regular women




Sounds good.


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its like we are going backwards in evolution then forward when will this nightmare end


Turns out that guy was jewish


File: 1653520693117.webm (628.95 KB, 632x718, who can it be.webm)

Every single time

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