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Genuinely, why are autistic people (specifically the much more low functioning ones) not euthanized? When I recall any interaction or scenario in my life involving a low functioning autistic “person” it always involves him getting his hands held throughout everything, being painfully socially unaware and obnoxious, and a lot of pitiful feelings and cautious behavior from the other party involved. It's all just so painfully annoying. Why do we need to let these retards with greasy iPads and hyperfixations on anime girls and Sonic the Hedgehog be treated as if their understanding of the world and worthiness in being alive is equal to ours? They are actually subhuman, walking pieces of flesh that waste space, resources and time, people who are bound to require mass amounts of assistance throughout the entirety of their lives and then live a tremendously lower-than-average life are not people worth being on earth. I suppose the only reason they are kept alive like this is sympathy, but I personally feel no sympathy towards them and see no reason we should feel sympathetic. They serve no purpose in society. They are only a hindrance.


By posting on this website you basically admit to being one yourself


I've heard there is a blurred line between the 'tism and schizophrenia.


i think i'm both
obviously i think im relatively high functioning autistic but i'm extremely paranoid and anxious and have wild mood swings and diminished emotional expression and stuff


both are fake


>t. Chris Chan II


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