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/b/ - Random

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File: 1652707461859.jpg (121.51 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)


chuds will never recover


Nas dust


bbc is sharty culture tho


Discoal culture


File: 1652707632244.png (65.15 KB, 676x707, cobbcson.png)

Discord is sharty culture


File: 1652715380658.png (518.79 KB, 926x1060, what_else.png)

BBC - home of kiddie diddler enablers.


Why did this ogre make his visit with the fucking KKK grand wizard about trolling him? He could have actually held a decent interview and talked about the history of the town and why the KKK exists, instead he fucked around with some locals and talked about how scared he was. The whole trolling session was him sometimes using reddit memes in real life and interrupting what looked like some nice white guy. Guess white nationalists aren't allowed to express their point of view equally, as always.
Also defunct honeypot boomer organization


its a joke

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