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onision is the only jewtuber that genuinely entertained me, everyone else is actual shit


His breakdown was hilarious


his videos always made me laugh, people regard that as some sort of fucking sin, like nigger i dont care about his personal life i want someone that acts like a fucking lunatic on camera for my amusement, le OH NOOOOO HES MEAN TO WAHMEN, I DONT GIVE A FLYING FUCK, every other youtuber literally all of them are fucking boring as sin
insufferable reddit faggot


in fact the autistic drama surrounding this guy makes him that much more interesting therefore more entertaining, he said he kept a girl around simply because she was attractive and tried to get his lesbo retard wife involved with some sexy dyke so he could have a threesome, made the blue hair dude weed lmao lesbo make a video where shes tearing her eyes out, what other fucking youtuber has so much autism surrounding him? this guy's channel was fucking god tier, his autistic religion the way he sucks you in with the way he talks the way he tells his audience to go fuck themselves god i fucking love onision

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