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File: 1652068418858.gif (3.53 MB, 144x255, E43329C4-78ED-45FC-B8F7-2F….gif)


>Latinx is an offensive term


nobody would say this about an inclusive term like latinx


File: 1652068882280.jpeg (45.69 KB, 427x570, D56DAE2D-252C-4C1B-AFAB-A….jpeg)

>Hello my name is Chud and I am a racist transphobe who thinks Latinx is offensive to Mexicans because it’s LGBTQ friendly


latinx chuds would (90% of latinx pipo are chuds)


Hello my name is Chud and I am a racist transphobe who thinks Latinx is offensive to Mexicans because it’s LGBTQ friendly



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