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/b/ - Random

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File: 1652050408916.jpg (155.46 KB, 976x549, 1652050119004.jpg)


new gem


Can the Jews destroy Islam with degeneracy too?



*the west and jews


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>Globohomo muzzies LE BAD even tho it deradicalizes them and stops them from directly beheading everyone


Nothing wrong with throwing faggots off the roof and finishing them off with a good stoning.


Until it happens to you.


not going to happen to me because i'm not a leftypol troon like you


Why is he wearing the european suicide pact flag


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Yeah yeah whatever Muhamed Abdullah just go and meet your 72 virgins


i'm not muslim however. cope, seethe, dilate.


File: 1652103444426.png (122.24 KB, 454x541, D81225A5-265B-41EB-9989-EA….png)

>i'm not muslim however. cope, seethe, dilate




fuck you

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