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/b/ - Random

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File: 1651622545484.jpg (109.99 KB, 1059x1093, 1651413954481.jpg)


what is the best 'owser for 'owsing the 'arty?


File: 1651622630019.jpg (118.86 KB, 639x680, FHoRqAiX0AM8EDf.jpg)

brave sirs


I'm brave enough to use Brave




Pretty much anything except Google. Use a VPN though.
>inb4 thoughjak


Shill thread





Hippie answer: "Whatever browser works best for you maaaan"

What I'm using: Brave (Would use Dissenter browser but it hasn't been updated in 6 gorillion years)

What I recommend: Brave or FireDragon (the one they include with Garuda Linux) if you prefer the Gecko engine


Interesting how the furfag uses a browser with an animal as its logo

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