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pic 3 - settings icon in 2 videoplayers - the top - in (((Youtube))). The bottom - in the Russian alternative - Rutube.

pic 1 - Kadyrov, pay attention on his cap.

The founder of (((Youtube))) is ... (((Brin))). The family of Brin are Jewish dissidents who left USSR. Google engine was created with sponsoring and support from (((CIA))) and (((DARPA))).

Pic 2 - today a war between these 2 symbols, two worlds is happening on the territory of ex-Khazaria. And everything is very clean. And you MUST understand who is on the left side and who is on the right side.



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very interesting video.

ISRAELI COMMANDOS killed ppl in Palestine - now they will kill Russians in Donbas.

Where are they? They are in the biggest SYNAGOGUE of the Europe - it's called "MENORA" and it was built in the "Ukrainian" city Dnepropetrovsk by (pic 2) by "Ukrainian" (a Khazarian, btw he has Israeli passport and he is an ex-gangster from 90s) oligarch KOLOMOYSKY (pic 3) - one of the founders of battalions Nazi Aidar and Azov (the sponsored them very cool). He is a friend of (((Zelensky)))

a Jew NAzi?! Oi wei.......


these killers from Israel special services thank for good חַג הַפֶּסַח (Pesach).

Then they said - SLAVA UKRAINI (the slogan of Ukrainian Nazi Army OUN/UPA supported Reich III).

Cool? Cool...

Who are the biggest Nazi in the world? All these endless murders of Palestinian children - it's not a Nazism, right?


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The photo of Yarosh - he is a leader of the "Right Sector" - Ultra Nazi organization, killed ppl in Donbas.

With..... a rabbi.

It's totally OK, yes?

Oh wait, who is this boy near the wall? Oi wei, it's an "Ukrainian" (Khazarian) Nazi - in Israel, yep. He is Nazi, loves Hitler and .... Zionist. Nothing strange tbh.


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But .... a Jew.... cannot be a Nazi, right?

Blinken in the Khazaria ("Ukraine") - funny wall, yes? Blinken is a Khazarian, his roots are from... Ukraine (check it in the Web). As well as of Nuland/Nudelman. They are NAZIS and FASCISTS. And it's completely ok. But fucking leftards still cannot understand it.




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Israel kills SEMITES - Palestinians.

Again, Khazarians kill Semites. Then who is ANTI-SEMITE? Who supports Israel - right, U.S.A.!

Pics - Nazis from "Ukraine". Jews? Oh, no, man, it's dumb word - KHAZARIANS.


fuck off, KGB


The schizobros continue being right about everything


give me a good day at work today


File: 1654367219679.mp4 (7.18 MB, 640x480, polkopek.mp4)


>schizophrenia bad


Q told me about this one

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