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File: 1632104992345.jpg (59.66 KB, 600x525, rika smile 2.jpg)

 No.8888[Last 50 Posts]

Higurashi Thread


Another W added to the books.




File: 1632105200745.png (853.78 KB, 1792x1120, Satoko gun.png)

Now let's discuss the ending, what do you think will happen? Witch ending? Or some lame ass one where satoko cries a little bit and rika forgives her, I think the latter is more probable, THOUGH you never know.


File: 1632105270732.jpg (654.54 KB, 1000x1309, smug rika.jpg)



Another falseflag thread


File: 1632105313972.jpg (74.23 KB, 686x447, yor.jpg)

you have one last chance to give up on tranime.


File: 1632105476533.png (1.57 MB, 1920x1080, Elegant rika.png)

*sigh* Can't believe they spent 13 FUCKING EPISODES ON RECAPS, fucking trash man... this season is too low quality, hope there's a twist


Kys falseflagger



File: 1632105678344.png (1.31 MB, 1439x793, bika.png)

Wuh? How is that a falseflag? Nigga what is you talmbout? Did you take your meds?


File: 1632105750012.jpg (301.05 KB, 1280x1280, 8be25c7b850b188820f87a5056….jpg)

i slowly walk towards you, the ground shaking with every step i take, a true signal of my full power and superiority as a grand and immortal being. i could easily fly but planting fear in the brains of my pathetic enemies is my number one priority
at this moment you are fearing for your life, shaking, crying and crawling through the floor until you meet a corner, upon realizing that there is no escape you shout in a pathetic attempt at stopping my plans

"p-please forgive me master"

but it is far too late as i have already drawn my sword fueled by the blood of my enemies and your allies. three thousand men. no, three thousand tranime watchers. slaughtered without even a hint of mercy. neon trаиnysis evangelion, traаиny-on, trаиу star, тranууs und panzer. years ago i swore by the honor of my forefathers that i would kill every single one of them, they of course laughed
"meds schizo" "why are you so triggered by a cartoon"
they would say, these same people were then begging for mercy the moment they fought me. truely, none of them could stand up to even 3% of my power once i unleashed it, and were heavily punished for it , i do not regret a single kill, you, also a tranime watcher, challenged me to a duel after i had killed your entire clan, a fbi.gov channel of around 200 users thinking that you could withstand my fury. GRAVELY MISTAKEN
as i thrust my sword through your throat you start crying in misery while you drown in your own blood. a pathetic fate for a pathetic worm. one less tranime watcher


File: 1632105756289.png (252.76 KB, 676x701, 1631847027420.png)


is a literal falseflag
>Talking like Discord trannies
>Taliking of Moeshit
>On the board were all 'jakkers hate
is a false flag


who let the trannies out?


File: 1632105914533.png (551.98 KB, 860x939, Bern gun.png)

Yuck, repulsive red text, perhaps I would've read it if it was like this


File: 1632105976920.jpg (486.83 KB, 2536x1356, schizo poltard.jpg)



File: 1632106001038.gif (1.63 MB, 400x369, 165164187487.gif)



the left cant meme but this shit was funny


How is she still jumping? Isn't she supposed to be dead?


File: 1632106191387.jpeg (39.68 KB, 496x619, images.jpeg)

mark my Words you will die a horrible slow death


File: 1632106345932.jpg (9.97 KB, 236x236, satoko shrug.jpg)

I don't think so


sometimes its muscles start flexing again just before death arrives



Right about what?


Nothing, xir is just coping


Also I don't look like this or I live on a asylum



Ban racists soot


File: 1632107154950.png (371.38 KB, 640x360, Witches.png)

Man, a witch ending that leads to a remake of Umineko anime(that's actually good this time), that would be really cool


kill all niggers


Name 1(one) bad thing about black people


File: 1632107321719.png (1.16 MB, 686x776, 1734982879.png)

>Ban racists soot


File: 1632107445922.png (341.69 KB, 500x500, Keiichi.png)

I love him no homo it cant be homo hes not real hes just lines and colors it cant be gay its not gay its not gay youre gay hes not real i love him but its not gay cause hes not real


This is just a Bait for soyqotes.
I'm not even going to do it.
Just kys


their dumb


File: 1632107748445.png (514.47 KB, 637x729, 16432463464.png)

This but unironically


>she says after soyquoting the obvious @ bait




This is now ridiculous


she didn't SOYquote THOUGH


I wasn't trying to bait you though, meds you fucking soytard


File: 1632108136379.png (170.08 KB, 584x600, f78.png)

this but post-ironically


Just stop


File: 1632108289356.jpg (83.42 KB, 640x672, 1wkfl0am5go71.jpg)

soytards this is your mindset


File: 1632108343618.png (571.34 KB, 754x704, 1625842329340.png)

>omg im LITERALLY an anime girl


This meme was posted by a soytard you moron. he leaked his reddit account


yeah then he started deleting the posts ahaha


it was a falseflag just like the roygb incident


File: 1632108509164.jpg (25.69 KB, 452x678, markichad 344.jpg)

falseflagger you will be stoned to death



Meds schizos


It was a Bait, though


File: 1632110966665.png (167.48 KB, 686x911, medsjak.png)

>Meds schizos


No black person is dumb


File: 1632569921172.jpg (548.18 KB, 1440x810, 1632408572936.jpg)

Oooooh weee! Now THAT was an episode, they went full DBS on this one.


File: 1632570029340.jpg (374.86 KB, 1280x720, Rika punch.jpg)

>How many times do I have to tell you?


File: 1632689617504.png (249.07 KB, 460x690, 1632687892345.png)



No arrows therefore you look like that and say that


File: 1632942480939.jpg (128.32 KB, 906x1000, rika smile 9.jpg)



File: 1633129569243.jpg (424.01 KB, 1280x720, rika happy 3.jpg)

She won! uh... kinda


File: 1633154247842.mp4 (784.69 KB, 360x642, f954516625fb3b8b20cfca945b….mp4)


Need sauce mang


Nigger, Also me the guy running


That mexibro in the black shirt is 100% based


Being a bigot will never be based


File: 1633564001778.jpg (35.32 KB, 740x370, Rika smile 10.jpg)

Rika... you've got me on my knees
Rika... I'm begging, darling please
Rika... darling won't you ease my worried mind




File: 1633565122076.png (304.21 KB, 600x577, Rika is glowing.png)

No, Datamining freak.


>nigger thread


You forgot the chudjak




File: 1636313088738.jpg (324.29 KB, 1200x837, Rika pats (You).jpg)

It sure is


burn to death get electrocuted by electric cables while trying to steal them like the retarded nigger monkey you are


File: 1636314482861.png (19.75 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)


File: 1636314939826.png (1.63 MB, 1920x1080, Rika stare.png)

Wtf? Why?


File: 1636314994637.png (58.44 KB, 500x560, Oekaki.png)


you will fucking die the worst death


File: 1636315131257.png (12.78 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)


File: 1636315190358.jpg (504.26 KB, 1280x720, rika is sad.jpg)

That really hurt my feelings anon...


File: 1636315299328.png (50.68 KB, 556x372, Oekaki.png)


Trans women are real women




File: 1636315513965.png (31.24 KB, 628x352, Oekaki.png)


File: 1636315566370.png (12.63 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)


File: 1636315786953.png (56.45 KB, 628x352, Oekaki.png)


File: 1636315872210.png (22.09 KB, 628x352, Oekaki.png)




Mentally ill butthurt schizophrenic


Transphobia is a disease


File: 1636316725893.png (56.42 KB, 712x393, Oekaki.png)


File: 1636316804913.jpg (114.03 KB, 1280x720, rika happy 6.jpg)

It's okay incel, I still love you!


File: 1636317024374.png (119.89 KB, 751x487, Oekaki.png)


take a grater and rub it against your arm until you cut through the veins


File: 1636319378960.png (1.34 MB, 1483x2000, Bern stare.png)

No... I don't think I will.


die already stop posting when will you die soyjakssoyj.jpg


You do not have "die already stop posting when will you die soyjakssoyj.jpg"






yes you should watch yourself around emotionally fluctuating lunatics like transsexuals


There's nothing wrong with trans people retard


they are """""people""""" not people


Rika my love...


nakadashi rika-chan


File: 1636728130529.jpg (18.32 KB, 639x360, Rika smile 17.jpg)



File: 1636728157226.jpg (120.1 KB, 850x807, Patchouli and Rika.jpg)

Rika website



shit get wasted on shit tranime


↑ The incel rage


File: 1636743463720.gif (676.14 KB, 573x400, a1e00fcfd0a7829fbcc9ff6b8e….gif)

hes right


kill yourslef demented subhuman monkeyman braindead tranime spamming dog


File: 1636751867332.jpg (36.26 KB, 1366x768, Smug rika 2.jpg)

Cry more.


File: 1637798761464.jpg (155.24 KB, 850x850, 79999999999.jpg)



Redtext gem


Pick one


her face when she thinks of bbc






ywnsj (you will never speak japanese)




ywnlij (you will never live in japan)


And you will never fuck a tranime girl


NO ONE will. They are NOT real


Reppin your hood


>They are NOT real



Whatchu mean yes?


File: 1637883722328.png (1.3 MB, 1600x925, rika emo.png)

In the violent silence
Of a dream within a dream
You fill my soul with beauty
You're my shiny man machine
I'm sinking in the roses
Falling down to fade away
The velvet blade of apathy
Makes the crush so bittersweet
And I, I could have died last night
But I heard the voice of a smaller god
And I, I could have died last night
But I heard the voice of a smaller god


File: 1637883725622.jpg (101.97 KB, 1080x1080, rika smile 7.jpg)

Miracles CAN happen, you just gotta believe.


I want to nakadashi rika-chan


File: 1637888741598.png (180.11 KB, 263x393, Rika submissive and breeda….png)

Do you really want to?


UOOOOOOOH RIKA-CHAN 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭



This diamond is still untouched




brightest gem of the century


File: 1643122414350.mp4 (8.6 MB, 600x600, goat.mp4)




File: 1643207654799.mp4 (10.78 MB, 1280x740, asg.mp4)




just search the lyrics you fucking TRANIME FAGGOT


File: 1643249518530.jpg (38.04 KB, 599x629, Eua.jpg)


File: 1644022170890.gif (18.6 KB, 90x138, spindash.gif)



File: 1644169754826.jpg (284.36 KB, 850x1208, Satorika 10.jpg)

Blue and yellow.


File: 1644169861962.png (529.68 KB, 729x956, fragments.png)

Or was it purple? Hmm...


File: 1644243373759.jpg (585.52 KB, 2560x1440, Hinamizawa HD.jpg)

Hinamizawa, home...


File: 1644327621645.mp4 (56.5 KB, 640x640, rika pixel art.mp4)





File: 1644335677213.jpg (103.59 KB, 1280x720, rika sharingan 4.jpg)

Click it now


File: 1644439698752.jpg (62.63 KB, 600x662, FDFFsn-XoAIptN4.jpg)

This gremlin


File: 1644439972490.jpg (78.05 KB, 600x888, FDFFsTtXEAQXi_-.jpg)

She's so evil!


File: 1644440061073.jpg (84.33 KB, 600x736, FDFFs5DWYAA9h5e.jpg)



File: 1644447737624.jpg (527.61 KB, 907x931, Witch pits.jpg)

I hate her


💎 goes up


File: 1644464563731.jpg (80.24 KB, 640x755, goten and his whore.jpg)

/dbs/ thread.

Discuss who should replace gohan. Personally I think it should be either goten or trunks.


File: 1644471516067.png (1.07 MB, 1280x718, 1603416951211.png)


File: 1644471663802.png (1.35 MB, 645x729, tardku.png)



File: 1644472861644.png (180.67 KB, 704x396, 1546429272414.png)

kys, NOW


File: 1644473453003.jfif (4.89 KB, 320x136, download.jfif)

>kys, NOW


File: 1644522213728.jpg (932.55 KB, 3802x2609, Rika pats Bejita.jpg)

Who let the TARDkurat out of his cuckshed?


File: 1644548065165.jpg (52.05 KB, 317x333, goku what a freak.jpg)

Always knew bejita was a MOEtranny


File: 1644609927471.jpg (3.02 MB, 2667x2000, Satorika 8.jpg)


File: 1644711714703.jpg (487 KB, 2000x2667, Satorika 9.jpg)



File: 1644822030029.jpg (71.62 KB, 700x700, 2101f2e78b31e279a2259baef2….jpg)

Letterboxd Uwe Boll
₁/₂ ✩


File: 1645134736488.gif (1.42 MB, 450x466, Sonozaki sisters.gif)


File: 1645149418191.png (139.05 KB, 607x536, Ekran görüntüsü 2022-02-18….png)



File: 1645149561017.png (80.76 KB, 600x800, 1631815351155.png)

>Ekran görüntüsü


Low effort edit


File: 1645240545813.jpg (916.79 KB, 2300x1700, Nekotoko.jpg)


File: 1645459233543.jpg (326.76 KB, 734x1000, Rika cat 2.jpg)



File: 1645459366796.gif (352.33 KB, 46x42, small troon.gif)



File: 1645460477833.jpg (Spoiler Image, 52.56 KB, 604x388, bika 2.jpg)


File: 1646700699281.jpg (512.31 KB, 800x545, Rika space.jpg)



I was going to watch this but then I found out one of the characters is a tranny


File: 1647612522137.jpg (86.3 KB, 1920x1080, Rika moon.jpg)

>then I found out one of the characters is a tranny
This isn't the Umineko thread THOUGH.


File: 1647613053964-0.jpg (129.63 KB, 802x981, Keitarou.jpg)

File: 1647613053964-1.png (2.31 MB, 2208x2706, Keitarou Maebara (Tomato A….png)

Can't believe there's little to no art of K2!


File: 1647711749027.jpg (62.17 KB, 578x640, 1603585311062.jpg)


File: 1647736582232.gif (Spoiler Image, 36.05 KB, 112x112, rika pet pet pet.gif)

Look at her begging for a head pat


File: 1647762628951.png (868.2 KB, 1580x1267, ClipboardImage.png)

>Higurashi Thread


Le BWC girl thread


Le BBC girl thread


File: 1647765419070.jpg (84.75 KB, 578x640, 1611362649631.jpg)


File: 1647782744353.jpg (745.31 KB, 1920x1080, Rika says it.jpg)



File: 1647806964444.gif (1.57 MB, 400x400, Bouncy rika fast.gif)

Meeper go up!


File: 1647837782500.webm (5.2 MB, 640x360, 16477248395240.webm)

Practice for le BBC


File: 1647907464157.gif (1.49 MB, 640x418, Hinamizawa's finest.gif)

The meeper just CAN'T get enough of it!


File: 1648135710472.jpg (23.68 KB, 495x391, Smol chubby rika.jpg)

Babe, wake up
New Higu Rei chapter just dropped.


who asked


I did


Someone post rika and satoko getting blacked.com




File: 1648222698586.jpg (1.04 MB, 868x1223, __furude_rika_and_houjou_s….jpg)

Kimiyoshi is so lucky


File: 1648577226052.jpg (200.8 KB, 2048x1535, FPBJsJdVsAMjPSz.jpg)

Can't believe the template made it into Japan


File: 1648912323728.jpg (89.98 KB, 961x963, Rika reading.jpg)


File: 1648912450170.png (29.11 KB, 500x409, 1630029902370.png)


File: 1649088239952-0.jpg (588.07 KB, 2048x1536, FBV2hqEVEAUrXu4.jpg)

File: 1649088239952-1.jpg (307.35 KB, 2048x1367, FBV2hqDUYAI9Oyo.jpg)

File: 1649088239952-2.jpg (263.05 KB, 2048x1367, FBV2hr6VgAUSLZG.jpg)

Cute? Cute.




File: 1649277019065.jpeg (1.49 MB, 1061x1500, 4a86363fc7c32c6a9557d2691….jpeg)

when they see teh twp


File: 1649277339996.mp4 (2.12 MB, 640x360, st lucia.mp4)

BBC cumsluts


File: 1649279882997.png (360.35 KB, 768x719, Soy464.png)

>BBC cumsluts


how does it feel to make entire rooms smell like shit after a while because your damn artificial hole keeps leaking feces all over the place


Why they bombed BBC HQ on soviet WW2 era plane tho? I am so confused.


File: 1649352800094.png (91.9 KB, 605x845, Beato computer.png)


niggurashi when they ACK


File: 1649450381105.png (486.44 KB, 828x752, toilet rika.png)



File: 1649488505650.png (1.17 MB, 1024x1024, ClipboardImage.png)



File: 1649515354459.webm (2.96 MB, 1280x720, Flushing down the meeper.webm)



File: 1649542877488.jpg (45.62 KB, 575x389, nigger egypt.jpg)





File: 1649581584652.png (700.31 KB, 699x550, ClipboardImage.png)

This type of toilet is popular in Russia tho


File: 1649694650389.jpg (93.54 KB, 978x1080, rika happy 11.jpg)


go to sleep and never wake up


is the hawaiian here




File: 1650133739965.gif (264.39 KB, 1024x1024, rika pixel art 2.gif)



File: 1650134087984.png (1.42 MB, 1920x1080, ClipboardImage.png)



File: 1650139731270-0.png (2.18 MB, 1920x1440, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1650139731270-1.png (88.75 KB, 336x336, ClipboardImage.png)

amogus nanodesu


File: 1650303604760.png (861.68 KB, 600x800, Satorika 14.png)



File: 1650593709643.png (979.5 KB, 848x953, 1648260498818.png)

St. boobcia


File: 1650854857325.png (485.38 KB, 1449x738, Meguri color.png)


File: 1651112348947.png (1.44 MB, 1080x928, Rei color.png)


File: 1651171013299.png (480.32 KB, 687x960, ,.png)


File: 1651172090903.png (409.57 KB, 687x960, gembo23713414.png)


File: 1651184469638-0.png (88.08 KB, 676x707, SHYson.png)

File: 1651184469638-1.jpg (81.03 KB, 472x568, Rika embarrassed.jpg)

File: 1651184469638-2.jpg (95.91 KB, 696x1076, b89056398a68777c152e81937f….jpg)

"And right there is your designated BVLL, Elijah Jackson, don't get too intimidated by him, he's actually pretty sensitive."


"Quite the sight isn't he, wait 'till you see what's in between those legs, sure beats those old farts back there in Hinamizawa, right? Welcome to America, Rika Furude."


end your shitty life faggot


begin my pissy death straight man




File: 1651286588423.jpg (118.95 KB, 1200x672, Rika question.jpg)

What do Beta White Cucks have to do with anything THOUGH?


File: 1651287154571.jpg (63.4 KB, 630x755, 1635097907000.jpg)

>What do Beta White Cucks have to do with anything THOUGH?


She looks like she fucks white men


File: 1651290147820.jpg (518.68 KB, 2039x2590, FPPrMiAVIAAFj7d.jpg)

Takano stands with Ukraine!


File: 1651290243429.webm (2.08 MB, 1280x720, gopnik elevator.webm)

Built for BRC




File: 1651335345571.png (12.93 KB, 454x520, ClipboardImage.png)



Would you get in the elevator?


File: 1651364989860.jpg (285.15 KB, 1440x1616, FRmL9rbXEAEmVvY.jpg)

Saving the cat



Lowkey slaps


File: 1651587463807.png (422.88 KB, 809x500, Ooishi.png)

Domo, chud-san...


File: 1651709171390.mp4 (15.28 MB, 854x480, Dear you-Kizuna.mp4)

((((((Gou/Sotsu)))))) robbed us of actual kino.


File: 1651883676454.png (598.73 KB, 640x853, ClipboardImage.png)

Fuck it
meeper tattoo


File: 1652311866257.png (1.53 MB, 1500x1023, Meguri color 2.png)

Babe, wake up.
New Meguri
Wow it's already better than Sotsu.


File: 1652406120146.mp4 (3.38 MB, 480x360, The Kitty Cat Furude Rika ….mp4)


File: 1652657623581.png (150.58 KB, 704x396, CRYtoko.png)

Bully Satoko
Beat Satoko
Insult Satoko
Make Satoko's life even more miserable


Why? :(
Didn't she suffer enough as it is?


File: 1653047006706.png (1.01 MB, 1000x1000, __furude_rika_and_houjou_s….png)

SatoRika board nevertheless


File: 1653056538849.jpg (399.33 KB, 1536x2142, Higurashi.no.Naku.Koro.ni.….jpg)

SatoKei board notwithstanding


File: 1654138812709.jpg (217.54 KB, 1500x1400, 20220602_022555.jpg)

on god she's literally just like me fr


Westerner art however


File: 1654155189243.png (13.51 KB, 122x114, 1649351291900.png)


Can I get the "I love BWC" pic?


File: 1654198476243.gif (111.57 KB, 230x400, troonhang.gif)

>Westerner art however


File: 1654219573629.jpg (216.44 KB, 1920x1080, Rika LOVES BBC.jpg)

>I love BWC
Nobody does that, meds.


Rika loves BWC though


File: 1654255814527-0.gif (189.92 KB, 685x805, 1651060849516-0.gif)

File: 1654255814527-1.gif (189.92 KB, 685x805, 1651060849516-0.gif)

File: 1654255814527-2.gif (189.92 KB, 685x805, 1651060849516-0.gif)


File: 1654259941735.jpg (111.34 KB, 1080x1080, Mion.jpg)

Beta White Cucks are indeed very good for their betabuxx, but a girl needs to satisfy herself every once in a while, white ""men"" lack the ability to do that, that's where the BBC comes in.


Damn bro, that's a lot of cope


File: 1654261829296.png (352.94 KB, 700x674, twp chud.png)

>Damn bro, that's a lot of cope


Tiny brown pecker lole


issa bee bee sea


File: 1654328006221.png (310.11 KB, 432x402, higu rena weird.png)

Kuso thread I'm ashamed of you all


File: 1654328094224.gif (517.44 KB, 760x704, 1644457607136.gif)


File: 1654363851034.jpg (171.39 KB, 900x1200, 5fa.jpg)



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