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/a/ - Anime

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Why is it always a k-on pfp?


because Yui a Cute


I burned my k-on manga


That's crazy, but remember when Cell told gohan that his Kamehameha could quite literally blow the earth away? That means that something like gokus Kiai Canon couldn't beat Cells Kamehameha. That means that possessively, Cell has some sort of god ki. It's also stated that attacks in super have hit the earth but hardly done damage. Cell has god Ki!


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>troonbros how could this be happening? after years of gaslighting and astroturfing about anime being for trannies? it's all going down the drain...


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This, so much this sister, I know Hitler would've loved my Kogasa fumo.
Us k-on pfps are saving the white race, one tweet at a time.


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>This, so much this sister, I know Hitler would've loved my Kogasa fumo.
Us k-on pfps are saving the white race, one tweet at a time.


kek I love the k-on twitter community! it's filled with nazis and racists haha!


because a high amount of niggers and shitskins watch k-on, niggers and shitskins that pretend to be natsoc online. see brazil.


lol thats literally me


trannies love ironic humor


Good thing nigger hatred is earnest humor


it's always ironic if they are tranny freaks that watch anime


>go to twitter profile
>he's a 4chud
>posts jacks and tranny hate and /pol/ memes

Why cant 4chuds stay on their containment website?


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They're spreading their hate to this site too


nice selfie


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>They're spreading their nate


meds immediately


gems immediately

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