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File: 1652027625618.png (78.89 KB, 427x400, 45soi.png)


>yuri bad because i'm racist, right-wing, homophobic and an all-around bigoted individual


Why do lesbians use fake penises to have sex?




File: 1652033919976.png (41.01 KB, 1238x240, ohno.png)

idea of getting dicked sends them nightmares, so trolling yurioids is funny


what vertically integrate mean


They don't because they don't have sex. Lesbian Bed Death.


File: 1652039171338.gif (116.24 KB, 559x601, 1649785061115.gif)

>vertically integrate


she's right though? lesbian means female x female, you wouldn't a piece of decent art about your fetish to completely subvert its meaning


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