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/a/ - Anime

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Asians like anime.
Autists like anime.
Are Asians autistic?


>hatred for cuckime became a university research paper
oh boy, maybe we took the concept a wee bit too far...


File: 1652012702465.webm (392.88 KB, 640x360, autismepidemic.webm)

>As mentioned, an Otaku is virtually indistinguishable from a high functioning individual with ASD. It is not inconceivable that the captivating tendencies of Anime and Manga produce individuals that operationally fall on the autism spectrum. In other words, they may not traditionally have ASD as we understand it, but they have grown to develop the same symptoms by way of their fanatical obsession with Anime and Manga products. The umbrella that is ASD, understood to develop in the earliest stages of childhood, must perhaps be expanded to accommodate those adults that develop the same behavioral characteristics later on.

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