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/a/ - Anime

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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File: 1649905022833.png (166.67 KB, 600x800, 48 - blur breakfast_for_di….png)



Put this on /sneed/ where it belongs


File: 1649905138767.jpg (64.15 KB, 640x591, yotsuba 2.jpg)



That's crazy, but remember when Cell told gohan that his Kamehameha could quite literally blow the earth away? That means that something like gokus Kiai Canon couldn't beat Cells Kamehameha. That means that possessively, Cell has some sort of god ki. It's also stated that attacks in super have hit the earth but hardly done damage. Cell has god Ki!


certified tranny posts


Who certified this?


Ok dyel lmao


pathetic attempt at disguising trannydom by adopting persona of body building forums user, trying too hard therefore confirmed trannyism.


Every guts PFP is dyel larper though


troon projection therefore suicide asap




no one on /fit/ lifts, we've been over this. No, the memes fat people post of Guts being an edgy badass are them self inserting as someone they would never have the will to be.


pinnacle of buttmad leftroon projection


post body niggy




if you post yours i post mine


File: 1654365946563.jpg (71.99 KB, 1200x630, 1_Casey-King.jpg)

>if you post yours i post mine
WTF YOu why did you leak your selfie KEK


since you posted yours, i might as well tell you that you will find pictures of me all over the /giga/ catalog



changed my mind, it's not larp and I lost the argument.
Ps: I am trans

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