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/a/ - Anime

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what does the party think about mahou shojou
is it trash or treasure?


i like to self insert as the girls it gives me gender euphoria


kill yourself trannies


ccs is the only good mahou shoujo
the ironic gritty ones are cringe


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Don't agree with the first line, but agree with teh second.


i dont think you guys understand what goes on in the background of these animes


Madoka is kino. Haven't watched any other.


File: 1649281698418.png (18.49 KB, 160x160, yotsuba soyjak.png)

>Madoka is kino


troon coal


It is and I don't look like that.


File: 1649341306319.gif (84.17 KB, 128x128, reddit soy.gif)

>Madoka is kino. Haven't watched any other.


based hidden feraljak


need to cum on Mami-san's thighs (。ŏ﹏ŏ)

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