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/a/ - Anime

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I dreamed about Haruhi Suzumiya, and Azumanga Daioh today. When was the last time you had an anime dream?


I dreamed about soyjaking troons on 'eftypol before.


I dreamed I fucked an asian waifu days ago.


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A recurring dream that I keep having is travelling around a foggy city on a metro train


I dreamed that I raped a woman


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Thoughover not anwsering my question



No, I don't ever remember having an anime dream. I did have a strange dream a few nights ago, if someone could tell me what it means.
>walking across the street in a city
>see protesters
>all twitter tumblrina white women with rainbow fag signs
>suddenly the signs morph into trans flag signs
>then they morph into ukraine flag signs


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>Dreams have meaning


you are going to be killed or someone else in a few days
don't go outside unless you are sure you are alone and just ask your parents or an acquaintance for food and clothes
if you heard any protest turn off your pc and cutoff your internet and lights they won't know you're inside your house they probably think the owner is not home
stay there for at least a month after the prior event to be sure nothing else follows it
if you fail to do this or unable to make such plans happen then may god be with you


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last week i dreamed I was meduka


I always love that dream
tsmt dreams only exist to keep your noggin warm while you're sleeping. It's like a screensaver


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I had an anime dream within the past week, but I do not want to elaborate further.



What a qt guy

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