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/a/ - Anime

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Since yurifags get thier own board and general, lets have an anti-yuri general on this site.

Talk about anti-yuri content in anime and manga, post screencaps and recommendations.


File: 1649062431677.gif (199.97 KB, 403x649, yotsoyba crying.gif)

>Discussion Thread Chud 1 minute ago No.13800
>Since yurifags get thier own board and general, lets have an anti-yuri general on this site.
>Talk about anti-yuri content in anime and manga, post screencaps and recommendations.


File: 1649062509461.png (2.68 MB, 1601x1202, 1642889444772.png)

Some yuri-killing chads


burn to death


Keyed thread


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New YASS QUEEN yuri LN is getting an anime and ep 1 came out pic related.

Chuds need to make 10 anti-yuri shows to outdo the yuritrannies.


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TF is anti-yuri nigga?????? are you just talking about normal porn? you need to touch grass IMMEDIATELY



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anti-yuri doesnt exist
meds, now


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is this the anti-kuz thread?


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