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/a/ - Anime

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File: 1647148535194.jpg (28.33 KB, 265x375, Yurucamp,_Volume_1.jpg)


>my shitty advertisement for camping gear is actually based and redpilled because I want to fuck the cartoon children in it
I hate weebs so much


>no niggers
>no liberal faggot politics
>no niggers
>no trannies
>no jews
>no niggers
seems pretty good to me?


File: 1647273183839.png (24.96 KB, 550x725, 682.png)

>>no niggers
>>no liberal faggot politics
>>no niggers
>>no trannies
>>no jews
>>no niggers
>seems pretty good to me?


File: 1647273842961.png (380.84 KB, 600x866, bbc.png)

>>no niggers
>>no liberal faggot politics
>>no niggers
>>no trannies
>>no jews
>>no niggers
>seems pretty good to me?


File: 1647273949208.png (247 KB, 600x903, angry chud 2.png)

>>no niggers
>>no liberal faggot politics
>>no niggers
>>no trannies
>>no jews
>>no niggers
>seems pretty good to me?


File: 1647273989031.png (40.57 KB, 463x606, 1644280655784.png)

>>>no niggers
>>>no liberal faggot politics
>>>no niggers
>>>no trannies
>>>no jews
>>>no niggers
>>seems pretty good to me?


File: 1647274020711.jpg (395.64 KB, 894x1666, 1624994204648.jpg)

>>no niggers
>>no liberal faggot politics
>>no niggers
>>no trannies
>>no jews
>>no niggers
>seems pretty good to me?


File: 1647274091898.png (7.4 KB, 630x114, soot on troons.PNG)


>>no trannies


He just wants to appease the edgy /pol/tards on this site, deep down I know he's not a bigot


File: 1647277012272.jpg (527.85 KB, 1920x1080, watermark.jpg)

they forgot to remove the google street maps watermark


File: 1647282390136.png (82.45 KB, 400x300, 164727701227.png)


holy based


>IRL pics or objects in an anime
Also the only other one I know that does this is Hidamari Sketch.


ever shitty low budget show uses photos with filters for backgrounds, retarded tranny.


File: 1647585525918.png (5.95 KB, 300x403, 1629373567158-0.png)

>ever shitty low budget show uses photos with filters for backgrounds, retarded tranny.


albeit it is true however


Any mal reviews to back up your claim tho?

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