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/a/ - Anime

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File: 1645921751833.mp4 (39.35 KB, 1280x720, Tuturu~.mp4)


Tuturu~ ✨✨


steins gate is shit and anyone that thinks otherwise is gay


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It's decent time travel story, plus the girls are nice, /a/utists just hate it because "muh mal score"


higurashi is better however
and yes i did bump an 8 day old thread


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Interesting opinion anon.
Imo it's this,
Classic Higu >= Steins;gate
Steins;gate 0 >>> Gousotsu


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Suzu thread? Suzu thread!




mayushii > suzu


I didn't know MAL was acceptable now. What happened to the days when those pretentious faggots were called out by /a/? I know that just as recently as 2015 you couldn't announce that you were a MALfag without being shamed off of the board(s). What changed?


built for BBC


Uhh... nothing? MAL is still hated on /a/


I see people talking about M*L positively all the time


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For no fucking reason.

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